FidoNet Info & Newsletters

echopol.arj 10KGeneral Echomail policy
policy4.arj 25KFidenet policy
wpol_1h.arj 7KFidoNet Worldwide Policy Document

- Nodelist 867KLatest FidoNet nodelist
points.049 43KFidoNet Region 49 Pointlist
region.049 5KLatest REGION.049 (Estonia)

- Misc

echtutor.arj 6KEchoMail tutorial (how fido echo works)
emsc-001.arj 12KEMSI/IEMSI specifications by JoHo
exview.arj 6KFidonet, External viewpoint
fidointe.arj 2KFidonet/Internet addressing explained (estonian)
zones.arj 0KNetworks using Fido(tm) technology
zones2.arj 2KAnother list of Fido technology Zones

- FidoNet Standards

fsc-0002.arj 5KFSC002-4 The Distribution Nodelist
fsc-0003.arj 10KFidoNet route files explained
fsc-0004.arj 2KZone and Zonegates explained
fsc-0005.arj 2KOpus 1.01 Netmail Passwording Scheme
fsc-0006.arj 7KOpus 1.01 Netmail protocol extension
fsc-0007.arj 4KARPAnet-style msg header proposal
fsc-0008.arj 10KFOSSIL 4.0 Documentation
fsc-0009.arj 3KProposals for nodelist flag changes
fsc-0010.arj 7KEchoMail Specification
fsc-0011.arj 4KExperiences/corrections to FSC-0001
fsc-0012.arj 7KBinary-style msg proposal
fsc-0013.arj 4KBark File Request Spec
fsc-0014.arj 5KA Bundle proposal
fsc-0015.arj 1KDocument Naming and Status of Standards
fsc-0016.arj 1KFidoNet Mail Session Startup
fsc-0017.arj 0KZIPhive Philosophy and Document Naming
fsc-0018.arj 0KStatus of current FidoNet Standards
fsc-0019.arj 4KSEALINK file transfer protocol
fsc-0020.arj 2KAlternate Nodelist Flag Proposal
fsc-0021.arj 4KVfossil for OS/2, Rick Moore
fsc-0022.arj 1KApplication for an FSC product code
fsc-0023.arj 2KBundle Name Format
fsc-0034.arj 5KGateways to/from FidoNet, R Bush
fsc-0035.arj 1KTransparent gateways t/f FidoNet, H Shiels
fsc-0041.arj 2KMSGID / REPLY: A proposal, J Nutt
fsc-0043.arj 2KHints on recognizing control lines, R Bush
fsc-0045.arj 1KProposed new packet header, T Henderson
fsc-0046.arj 1KProposed Product Identifier, J Homrighausen
fsc000-6.arj 1KFSC Goals And Organisation
fscinx-0.arj 0KDocument Naming and Index in FSC docs.
fts-0001.arj 15KFSC001-9 Basic FidoNet Technical Standard
fts-0003.arj 7KYooHoo netmail protocol extension
fts-0004.arj 7KEchomail Specification, B. Hartman
fts-0005.arj 6KThe distribution nodelist, B. Baker
fts-0006.arj 11KYooHoo Netmail Handshake, obsol.
fts-0007.arj 38KAn Enhanced Fidonet(r) Technical Standard
fts-0008.arj 11KBark request protocol extension
fts-0501.003 13KMail Packet format
ftscprod.arj 2KFTSC product code list (04/01/90)

Total 1217 KBytes in 51 files
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